Monday, November 3, 2008

Albuquerque, NM

November 3rd, 2008:

While the media is going nuts over the election, we were driving our Jetta across the peaceful deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. The terrain went from prickly-pear-studded red-rock to thick forest to barren desert in only 300 miles.We arrived in Albuquerque, NM at 5pm Mountain Time and checked in to our hotel.

I had been singing this one song in my head the whole week and since we had a couple of hours before the show, I decided to venture out to get the CD. The artist is Jason Mraz. The song: "I'm Yours". I wound up getting two CDs as I liked his music so much.

Anyway, the event went very nicely. We met at a local restaurant called, "Wings & Things", which is owned by Matt--brother of the local Water4Gas manufacturer / installer, Mike. There were over 20 people there and more came as we all mingled.

The good thing about having several cars to look at, is that I don't have to do all the talking! Other Water4Gasians proudly showed their hybrids and told of the results. Maybe it's the fresh desert air, but these New Mexico people are getting great results! One guy doubled his mileage on a 2003 F-250 Turbo Diesel with one large electrolyzer! Another guy doubled his mileage on a 1990 suped-up Mustang GT!

After two hours of talking and networking, Ozzie and I headed back to the hotel. En route, we found a news crew on the side of the road doing a story on......the elections. We waited until they were done then showed them the Jetta. Let's just say that Chris Ramirez from KOAT 7 New Mexico is going to be seeing more of us soon! If anyone in NM wants to show him what hydrogen can do, let me know and we'll set something up.

Well, gotta do more work on the website to prep for the big weekend. I'll post some pics tonight too.

Tomorrow we're off to Arlington, Texas! Yeeee haaw! - Ari

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